Your School Social Work Association Membership Options
ANNUAL RATE AND BENEFIT DESCRIPTIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP in: Washington Association of School Social Workers (WASSW) and/or School Social Workers of America ( SSWAA )
$50 Full RegularWASSW Membership WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$35 Full RegularWASSW Membership for members identified as BIPOC WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$185 Full Dual WASSW and SSWAA Memberships SSWAA Full Benefits: Their tier 2 package includes: Professional Malpractice Liability Insurance, two EBell Newsletters each month, Action Alerts, member only access to website and all resources, conference and webinar discounts, access to the SSWAA Membership App, ability to participate in field-related research, and ensuring a voice for the profession in Washington, D.C. WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$210 Premium Dual WASSW and SSWAA Memberships SSWAA Premiere Benefits: Their tier 3 package that includes: Professional Malpractice Liability Insurance, two EBell Newsletters each month, Action Alerts, member only access to website and all resources, conference and webinar discounts, access to the SSWAA Membership App, participation in field-related research, ensuring a voice for the profession in Washington D.C. plus access to consultation services and access to SSWAA's resource platform *launching Spring 2020. WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$35 Associate Membership(classified & other professionals) WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$170 Associate and BIPOC Dual WASSW andSSWAA Membership SSWAA Benefits: An Associate Membership is applicable for a professional person working in an agency providing services to children or a professional that performs similar duties to a school social worker without a school social work degree or designation. WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$0 BASW/MSW/PhD. Complimentary Student WASSW Membership WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$80 Student Dual WASSW and SSWAAMembership SSWAA Benefits: Student memberships are applicable for full-time students in undergraduate, masters, or PhD social work programs with an interest in school social work. Students have all the rights and privileges of active membership including seeking/holding office as a student representative. Student members receive premiere member benefits. WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$20 Retired or Unemployed WASSWMembership WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).
$100 Retired or Unemployed Dual WASSW and SSWAA Membership SSWAA Benefits: An individual with school social work training/degree who is currently retired or unemployed. Retired/unemployed membership includes premiere member benefits. WASSW Benefits: Members-only access to WASSW website and Facebook pages for professional development, links and job postings; WASSW sponsored conferences; quarterly newsletters/bulletins; professional advocacy through lobbying at the state legislature; peer consultation and networking; School Social Work Week celebration mailing to members; discounted rate for national membership (SSWAA).