![]() Good News! Nikki York, MSW of OSPI will be sharing with WASSW the quarterly listing of school social work jobs that OSPI is compiling. While it will still be essential for you to continue sharing with us jobs postings as they come up so we can share them out, this will be a great way to see what districts are hiring SSWs. Thank you, Nikki! School Social Workers Leading the Transformation of Systems for Equity, Access and Innovation ![]() Come join your school social work colleagues for a time of learning, connection, networking, and inspiration. Sessions will include advocacy opportunities, hearing from WASSW member Nikki York of OSPI about school based threat assessment, from the UW Smart Center about SSW expansion grants and the key role of school social workers in Interconnected Systems Framework, from member Piper Sangstrom about 'AWE Inspiring' and much more! See you there! ![]() Keynote: Dr. Kurt Hatch Education Must be Centered on a Love Ethic: Aligning Values and Action to Create Community What if we gifted ourselves the time, space and grace needed to critically examine the systems, leadership strategies and classroom practices currently being used to promote behavioral and mental health? Would we find them to be racially literate, evidence-based, interconnected and rooted in compassion? What about the predominant system for providing differentiated support for student learning? Is it inclusive and centered on a love ethic? Dr. Hatch will use story as data and invite conferees to collectively and courageously shift systems and practices so all students experience a better love. Thank you to our 2023 WASSW Conference Sponsor, Newport Healthcare
Who is the Best SSW of the Year?
How about the Best SSW Advocate? Let us know! Nominate your choices! Due by September 21st. Awards presented at the WASSW 2023 Fall Conference October 2-3! See you there! ![]() NASW is offering a LICSW Exam Prep workshop. NASW Washington Chapter is pleased to offer this popular course to social workers seeking to become licensed at the advanced or clinical levels (LSWAA or LICSW). Our workshop aims to assist social workers in their preparations to take either the clinical or advanced generalist level ASWB exam that is required for social work licensure in the State of Washington and other states. The workshop has been revised and updated to reflect the changes made by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), the administrator of social work licensure exams (clinical and generalist). Beginning January 2, 2018, all exam categories reflect the new content outlines as informed by ASWB’s practice analysis. You can find out more information from ASWB's website (www.aswb.org) about 1) the revised knowledge, skills and abilities relevant to both the clinical or advanced generalist level exam identified in the practice analysis; and 2) information related to ASWB's efforts informed by the release of outcome data and disparities. Upcoming NASW trainings include ethics around appropriate professional boundaries and social justice issues in relation to reporting potential child abuse/neglect. CHECK IT OUT!
Join Us In Strengthening WASSW and Plotting our Path Forward!
WASSW Leadership/Member Meeting June 1, 2023 June 1, 2023 06:30-7:30 PM https://zoom.us/j/95019813313... Meeting ID: 950 1981 3313 Passcode: 231740 +12532158782 Greetings SSW colleagues!
We are all busy, but if you have a wish-or even a niggling feeling-that you'd like to/should get involved with WASSW, here are a couple ideas: -Join the committee planning the conference (contact Michelle at [email protected]) -Sign up to check on a handful of districts to see if there are SSW or dual posted SSW/counselor positions open that we can promote (contact Kristina at [email protected]) -Help with WASSW finances; there are lots of small pieces to do (contact Shannon at [email protected]) -Help with the website or social media posts; finding resources to share, taking on twitter posts, helping us reach younger members...whatever strikes you! (Contact Kristina at [email protected]) -Join the legislative/policy team; there is always advocacy to do, as you can see in some recent posts on this page. (contact Elise [email protected]) Or offer anything that your feel is useful! We are open to your ideas! Happy Spring! Your WASSW Leadership Team For those it applies to, here is a NASW training to become a more aware white practitioner and person.
February 2025
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